Police Department
We appreciate your interest, and encourage you to visit us here often. By choosing to explore this site, you are showing the commendable desire to be more knowledgeable concerning your police department and the individuals who provide for your safety and security.As your Chief of Police, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the official web site of the Benson Police Department. We have 13 sworn officers; seven of which are full time and six are employed on a part time intermittent basis. These officers serve a population of approximately 3,400. They patrol the community twenty-four hours a day.
The men and women of the Benson Police Department are not the sole guardians of law and order in our community. All citizens of this community are "stakeholders" in its well being. As stakeholders we are all responsible for paying attention to the problems that challenge every one of us on a daily basis. We must work together in partnership to successfully deal with these challenges in order to keep the Benson community safe and secure.
This web page provides you with a variety of information concerning the police department. You will find employee contact information, our most recent crime statistics, information about the structure of our organization, and pages about special programs we offer. We invite your comments, and look forward to continuing to work with you to create a dynamic future for Benson by making your home, your workplace, and this community a better place to live. I welcome your comments! I may be reached by email at ian.hodge@city.co.swift.mn.us or by telephone at (320) 843-4790. Thank you for your support of the Benson Police Department! Ian Hodge Chief of Police
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